There is something extremely powerful about stories. We believe we are all part of a story far larger and more important than we can imagine; ultimately a story that will never end! Our desire is to Love God passionately by helping people find and follow Jesus Christ and we believe that best happens together as part of the larger community of faith!

There is something that happens as we share our stories with others and hear the stories of others that stirs our hearts and affections for the glory of God. As the Apostle Paul writes, "For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ" (2 Corinthians 4:5-6, ESV).

We hope that happens as you read and watch the stories below.

On Saturday, February 15 we spent a few hours together talking about disciple making with a practical, how to process, based upon Dann Spader’s book, “4 Chair Disciple Making.”

On Good Friday, 2023, we gathered for a time of singing and communion. We also reflected on Isaiah 52:13-53;12.

On Christmas Eve 2022, we gathered for a joyous Candlelight service. We sang some songs and looked at the Unpredictable, Foolish Nature of True Victory from Isaiah 9 and Judges 7.

On November 20, 2022, we gathered for a Thanksgiving service. We sang some songs, briefly walked through the book of Romans, and even had a few people share what they were thankful for!

On December 24, 2021, we gathered for a Christmas Eve service. We sang a few songs, walked through Luke 2:8-20, and finished in candlelight! It was a glorious evening!

On November 21, 2021, we gathered for a Thanksgiving service. We sang some songs, walked through Psalm 136, and a few people shared stories of thankfulness. May they bless you as they blessed those who were there.

On November 22, 2020, we had a night of worship, a brief message from Habakkuk, and some time to reflect on the question, “What has God been up to in your life?” A few people shared their stories. May they bless you as they blessed those who were there.

Courtney Voorhees shared her story for our Christmas Eve 2019 service. Stand amazed at the amazing ways God works in people’s lives for His glory!

We had a Night of Worship including prayer, Scripture, and song…together in light of the big questions of suffering that surround the Gregoire Family. Click here for the list of texts used during our prayer time.



We would love to hear what God is doing in your heart and life. If you're interested in sharing it, please let us know and someone will get in touch with you soon.