So, what’s next?
Maybe you’ve attended church for a couple weeks, or perhaps even a couple decades, and are asking that question. It’s a good question. It’s an important question. It’s a question we are dedicated to answering!
We believe connecting with fellow believers is essential to your Christian walk. As such, there are three easy steps that flow from our vision of Gathering together in worship, Growing together in discipleship, and Going together on mission! We really do believe they’ll serve you well. So if you’re feeling somewhat stagnant, take the next step in your discipleship!
Also, we are eagerly committed to one another’s joy in the process of disciple making; we never want to do these things out of sheer duty, but rather, our hope is that they be done with an overflowing heart of gratitude for all that God has accomplished for us through Christ!
01. gather Together!
It may sound simple and it really is! Attend a worship service on a regular basis with an eager anticipation and expectation of all that God promises to do within the Body of Christ!
We meet every Sunday, with rare exception, at 9:30am. Our gathered time together includes congregational singing, corporate prayer, Scripture reading, and the preaching of God’s Word, all of which are designed to remind us of God’s amazing promises centered in Jesus!
How will we know if we’ve made a disciple in this area as we call believers to Step In?
The answer is both individual and corporate. Individually, a disciple will be Joyfully Consistent in Devotion! Corporately, a disciple will be Joyfully Connected to the Body!
02. Grow Together!
Find a smaller group of fellow believers to share life who will hold you accountable in your struggles, love you through the difficult moments, rejoice in your victories, speak the bold promises of the gospel into your heart, and laugh with you when you need to!
These groups are a simple yet profound way for you to learn more about the Bible with others on the same lifelong journey! Interested?
How will we know if we’ve made a disciple in this area as we call believers to Step Up?
The answer is both individual and corporate. Individually, a disciple will be Joyfully Contributing to Ministry! Corporately, a disciple will be Joyfully Convinced of Discipleship!
03. Go Together!
Few things create roots as quickly and deeply as serving together. There are hundreds of ways to do this, from serving on a Sunday morning in the Nursery, in our community cleaning up storm debris, or even on a short term mission trip teaching English to students in a foreign context.
The aim is to intentionally step outside of yourself, in love, and declare the gospel with your life, alongside others! Interested?
How will we know if we’ve made a disciple in this area as we call believers to Step Out?
The answer is both individual and corporate. Individually, a disciple will be Joyfully Committed to Evangelism! Corporately, a disciple will be Joyfully Compelled to the Nations!
“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him!”