MEN’S AND WOMEN'S ministries
Our Vision
We desire to sacrificially put others before ourselves, together live genuinely transparent lives which welcome loving sharpening, and use our gifts and abilities to serve and build up the Body of Christ in fruitful and creative ways.
One of the dreams we have for our church is that every disciple is in a meaningful small group of some sort, which meets on a regular basis. A great way to do that is through our various Men’s and Women's Weekly Bible Studies.
Men's Bible Study: The Forge
Join us the Fourth Friday of every month at 7pm at Swan Lake for a time of intentional sharpening as we invest into the lives of other men relationally and spiritually. Stay tuned for regularly scheduled activities, events, and service projects, too! If you have any questions, talk to Jake Schwoch.
Women's Bible Study
Women's Bible Study meets on Tuesday nights at 7pm in the Fireside Room at the church. They spend time together each week in fellowship, study, and prayer. These things help develop an amazing bond between the women who attend. As we share life together we leave better equipped to treasure the gospel in our own hearts and lives as well as share it with others. If you have any questions, talk to Sherry Smith.
young adults
The Bridge Young Adults Bible Study
The Bridge is a discipleship centered ministry committed to bridging the gap between Young Adults and the Gospel! If you’re 18-34 and think this would be a good fit, join us every Thursday evening at 6:30pm at Swan Lake. The last Thursday of every month is dedicated to sharing a meal together. They are currently walking through the Gospel of John. If you have any questions, talk to Cooper Martens.
“Walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love.”