fighter verses
Fighter Verses is a ministry of Truth78, a vision-oriented ministry for the next generations to know, honor, and treasure God, setting their hope in Christ alone, so that they will live as faithful disciples for the glory of God. Truth78 was formerly Children Desiring God.
The aim of Fighter Verses is to equip believers with the tools, encouragement, and resources to memorize Scripture to fight the good fight of faith, which is precisely what the Apostle Paul charges us to do: “Fight the good fight of the faith! Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses” (1 Timothy 6:12). Life is war and we are called to be ready to fight…with “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:17)!
There is a direct correlation between our knowledge and apprehension of the truths of God’s Word and our ability, “by the Spirit, to put to death the deeds of the body, [to] live” (Romans 8:13). King David beautifully wrote, “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you” (Psalm 119:11). Paul charges the church at Colossae to, “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly” (Colossians 3:16). The implication there is that it’s not automatic; it requires and necessitates diligence and intentionality. As we memorize Scripture, we are encouraged, strengthened, and counseled in our personal walk with God. Doing so allows us to focus beyond the noise of news and social media, put fear to flight, and strengthen our faith to depend upon God’s promises. The best times to do that are in seasons of calm.
With that in mind, Fighter Verses has compiled hundreds of resources for you (and us as a church) to tackle this spiritual discipline. One of the ways to overcome many of the hurdles to memorizing Scripture is to do it alongside other Christians. Doing so provides support and accountability, builds unity, and encourages the direct and immediate application of Scripture in daily life. You can do it in your living room, a classroom, as a small group, or as a church wide endeavor.
As a result, we are going to continue memorizing Scripture together as a church in 2023 as well. We are going to be using “Set 3” in the Fighter Verses index. Each week we will send out an email with that week’s verse for you to begin thinking about, praying through, and memorizing. For some simple day-to-day helps on how to memorize verses, click here. On Sunday morning, we will recite that week’s verse together in corporate worship. Set 2 Verses will emphasize God’s goodness, guidance, and protection; our words, salvation, and joy; suffering, life in Christ, and worship; and how we speak, obey, and battle sin, fear, and anxiety. The 52 passages are powerful weapons for fighting the fight of faith.
Two additional resources that I want to point you to are the “Fighter Verses” App and the “Listen to Verses” App:
The Fighter Verses App, which is $2.99, includes the following features (you do not need the App in order to participate with the church wide memorization campaign):
More than 1,000 preloaded verses, including two complete five-year collections of verses, 76 Foundation Verses for pre-readers, and memory verses from the Truth78 curriculum (for an additional cost)
Ability to customize and organize your own memory program with “My Verses”
Multiple Bible translations in English, Spanish, French, and German
Six unique quizzes to help you memorize verses
Customizable review prompts (daily, weekly, monthly, and biannually) to encourage long-term retention
Songs and spoken verse audio
Weekly devotional blogs from
Access to full chapter text and commentaries
And much, much more!
The Listen to Verses App, which is FREE, capitalizes on the power of music to assist in memorization:
Sound is powerful. It’s why we listen when we’re called, why hearing good things is like “music to our ears,” and why we can feel rhythm in our souls. Our senses are made by God, and we want to hear the melodies of His Word, verse by verse.
“Join us! You won’t be disappointed at the compounded efforts of storing up and treasuring the Word of God in your heart and soul over the course of this next year, which we hope and pray will be the beginning of a pattern that you won’t be able to extinguish anytime soon!