Ways to Give at Swan Lake
Thank you for considering giving to Swan Lake Evangelical Free Church. Our prayer is that every single dollar we receive will be used to further the mission God has placed in our hearts of Loving God passionately by helping people find and follow Jesus Christ starting in our local community reaching to the ends of the earth!
Here are a few options as you consider giving:
1. Conventional Check or Cash
Place your gift in the offering plate during the worship service, drop it by the office, or mail it to:
Swan Lake Evangelical Free Church
P.O. Box 196, Cottonwood, Minnesota 56229
2. Online Giving (Debit or Credit)
a. Online Bill Pay through your own bank. Log into your bank’s website and set up SLEFC as a payee, and your bank will mail a check to the church in the requested amount by the requested date.
b. Your debit card or credit card. We offer online giving through Church Center using your debit or credit card. Access Church Center by clicking here. You can also download the Church Center app by clicking here. Once downloaded, follow the prompts to access Swan Lake Evangelical Free Church.
On the first Sunday of every month, in addition to our regular giving, we encourage giving to our Benevolence Fund. Those funds are then used to meet the varied needs of individuals and families in the church and community as they arise. Sometimes needs arise that we are unaware of. If you would like to make our Elders aware of a situation that we could potentially assist with, please fill out the attached Benevolence Request or Recommendation Form and give it to one of the Deacons.
“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.”