Our aim each week is to reflect the story of God’s grace in the gospel as we worship together.
Psalm 138:2 reminds us of this importance: “I bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word.”
We’re going to walk through the book of Acts and see that nothing can stop the spread of the gospel. Not then. Not now. Not ever! Every obstacle will be overcome! It is Unhindered!
Christmas 2024
This December we’re going to look at God’s Gift to humanity in the person and work of His Son, Jesus Christ!
This year’s Missions theme is: “Told to Tell!” It is taken from Psalm 96:3, “Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous works among all the peoples!“ It is a command, so in essence, we’ve been Told to tell others. At the same time, all of us know the gospel because someone in the past, in joyful obedience to God’s command, shared it with us, so we’ve been told in order to Tell others! It’s both, and!
Genesis can be neatly divided in thirds, with chapters 1-11 focusing on Creation through the Tower of Babel, chapters 12-36 focusing on Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and chapters 37-50 focusing on the story of Joesph. Amidst it all is a story of God’s Single Minded Faithfulness as He remains committed to His purposes and promises!
In the book of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul wants his readers to know that in Christ, God has reconciled all things to Himself so that He may display His manifold wisdom through the Church to the cosmic powers and authorities as we walk worthy in every arena of our lives. It’s a remarkable letter, which is divided equally between chapters 1-3 and 4-6. The first three chapters focus on theology and doctrine; the last three on application and behavior. We’ll spend some time walking through all that God has done for us in Christ before looking at the call to Walk Worthy in light of it!
The book of Judges is a rather dark book, written after the death of Joshua. The Jewish people have made their way into the Promised Land and now there’s a crisis of leadership and covenant faithfulness to God!
They are called to be altogether different from the nations they were supposed to expel, but by the time we reach the end of the book, we’ll see that they’re actually worse! Every stop along our journey will become darker as we see the downward descent into darkness with the cycle of idolatry, oppression, outcry, (repeat), and the desire for deliverance each time!
Follow Me: The Markers of Discipleship!
The mission given to us by Jesus Himself is to both be and make disciples! It is the task for every disciple and we can’t be separated from it! Being a disciple necessitates making disciples. In this series we’ll unpack the Markers of Discipleship: 1. Our Mission: Make Disciples, 2. Our Model: Jesus Himself, 3. Our Motive: Love and Obedience, 4-7. Our Method: Engage Everyone, Evangelize the Non-Believer, Establish New Believers, Equip Growing Believers, and 8. Our Mechanism: The Church! May we all grow in our affections and obedience to what Christ calls us to!
Isaiah: Christmas 2023
The incarnation of Jesus matters! The simple, profound truth of the gospel is that Jesus Christ entered human history, lived sinlessly, died shamefully, rose victoriously, and reigns supremely! He did this in order to save us from the penalty of sin and wrath of God! The heart of Advent is Immanuel: God with us!
Advent for modern Christians requires us to look both backward in wonder to see what has been fulfilled in Jesus’ incarnation and forward in expectation to what still lies ahead in anticipation of what’s still to be accomplished! We will spend December looking at 5 passages from the Book of Isaiah and the themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, Love, and Redemption!
What has the gospel accomplished for me? What difference does it make in my day to day life? We’ll spend seven weeks walking through Paul’s letter to the church in Colossae, zooming in on the theme of Christian Identity. Paul says that believers are in Christ, and as a result, they share in Christ's death, resurrection, new life, and fullness (2:9-14; 3:1-4).
frequently avoided questions
Sometimes we have questions and don’t know when the best time to ask them is. For two weeks, we’ll walk through about 35 questions that were submitted ranging from Textual Criticism and Manuscript Evidence to the Sovereignty of God and the purpose of the Church.
Older sermons can still be accessed on YouTube by clicking here.